About Pontarelli Ltd.

About Pontarelli Ltd.

Pontarelli Ltd. believes in the promise of better living spaces to build stronger communities. Modern development requires more than just innovative architecture. It needs energy-conscious planning, creative use of space, and dynamic design. Using more than 35 years of experience, we transform our real estate and development vision into thoughtful, beautiful living environments. Our goal is to serve communities, clients, and other stakeholders by revitalizing and progressing the neighborhoods they love. 

The Pontarelli Ltd. Mission

To advance ongoing value, community enhancement, and economic benefit through optimal development, ownership, and investment in real estate. 
Pontarelli Ltd.

Why the Vitruvian Man?

As a deep thinker and visionary, Leonardo Da Vinci mastered architecture, engineering, and invention. His Vitruvian Man inspires an openness to ideas and a broadening of minds. It is this ideology that drives the Pontarelli Ltd. approach to real estate. By working and collaborating with clients, communities, and other stakeholders, Pontarelli Ltd. acts on Da Vinci’s notions of discovery and growth. 

Contact Us

Pontarelli Ltd. 
1204 E. Central Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL 

Office: 773.417.9777
Mobile: 773.370.2509

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